Sephiroth posted on 21-4-2014 01:54 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
What can your vision possibly do to me? Burn me alive? Poodah.
You keep bullshitting ev ...
it was you wrote " Roh mereka sudah semadi di laut."
now you twisting it? poddah![](static/image/smiley/default/sick0020.gif)
I have sent message to Najib in his FB after few days missing mh370 urging him find in forest or deep jungle...yet my advise was not taken serious...
peoples include you are the boastful type like peoples who sank in deep ocen the titanic ...who boast that this ship never sunk yet it sank....
still doubth my vision?
for you information, i dont use teropong ajaib like bomoh malaya vip...i used my six sense and vision
Last edited by Truth.8 on 21-4-2014 10:16 PM
by Truth.8
I have sent message to Najib in his FB after few days missing mh370 urging him find in forest or deep jungle...yet my advise was take serious...
Is that so? Give me your house address, I will send it to the Chinese people in Mainland China. I want to know what they think about your "vision". whether they see you as another "Raja Bomoh" wannabee or not. ![](static/image/smiley/default/3shakehead.gif) |
by Snake.8
secodly , raja bomoh mentioned that he is going to australia...one moment he says this next he says different things...he is full of rubbished using objects to depend ...
Yeah right. I see both are the same type - nonsense type. The difference between you and him is - he making a fool of himself in the newspaper and you are making a fool of yourself in this forum. But both are fools nevertheless.
And where is your address? I like to send it to Chinese Embassy and ask them to contact you IF you are so damn sure about your "vision". |
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Sephiroth posted on 22-4-2014 10:03 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
by Snake.8
sorry i dont entertain samsu drinking god worshipper ...tq![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
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Truth.8 posted on 22-4-2014 10:56 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
sorry i dont entertain samsu drinking god worshipper ...tq
Coward. When people challenge you to back your own words, you run away like a dog with a tail behind its legs (To a certain "useless" moderator - the highlighted words are English proverb, not an insult. They may not teach you that in that sekolah pondok you crawl out from). ![](static/image/smiley/default/icon_rolleyes.gif)
You dare or not to give Chinese Embassy your name and address? You talk so much that you give Najib. What is the use of giving that baldy your comments for?
Malaysia Government is praying hard MH370 won't be found by anyone. IF the plane is found, then the whole World will know that Malaysian government support Asian based terrorists groups like Abu Saffay who concentrated in kidnapping people and the Government arranging money on their behalf. So, if you want action - send your name and address together with the information on your vision to Chinese Embassy.
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Sephiroth posted on 22-4-2014 01:56 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Coward. When people challenge you to back your own words, you run away like a dog with a tail behi ... you run away like a dog with a tail behind its legs
i wonder the moderator doing now? calling me animal ...useless moderator
Truth.8 posted on 22-4-2014 03:45 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
i wonder the moderator doing now? calling me animal ...useless moderator
I didn't call you an animal. That could be insult to animals. I said you run away like "dog with its tail between its legs". It is a proverb, understand?
And FYI - the moderator is useless. Waste of time entertaining him. ![](static/image/smiley/default/icon_rolleyes.gif)
Oi T.8, mana u punya address? I keep asking you for it to send to Chinese Embassy. Why you don't give? Afraid Chinese will come and pijak you sampai mati kah? Takut because you know your vision is worth $hit and only reason you barking here is to divert the intention of the online readers from the actual fact - that Malaysian government supports (financially) Muslim Asian terrorist organizations (Abu Sayyaf, Militians in South Thailand, Indonesian Talibans and Sulu militia). THAT IS THE FACT.
Sephiroth posted on 23-4-2014 09:21 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
I didn't call you an animal. That could be insult to animals. I said you run away like "dog with i ... that Malaysian government supports (financially) Muslim Asian terrorist organizations (Abu Sayyaf, Militians in South Thailand, Indonesian Talibans and Sulu militia). THAT IS THE FACT.
one moment you said dead in sea now different tune....u just like the bomoh malaya...not consistent in your speech..
Name and address. Jangan banyak cakap. ![](static/image/smiley/default/curse.gif) |
Sephiroth posted on 24-4-2014 04:16 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Name and address. Jangan banyak cakap.
Today I read write up by our beloved ex PM. Good write up. I always pray that God bless Mahathir and may he live another 100 yrs...Amen![](static/image/smiley/default/innocent0001.gif)
min] Artikel mengenai MH370 yang ditulis Dr Mahathir semalam. Ini terjemahan dalam bahasa Melayu. Blog rasmi Tun Dr Mahathir -chedet . cc tidak dapat diakses buat masa ini. Kami sedang berusaha untuk mengenalpasti punca masalah. [Artikel asal dalam Bahasa Inggeris yang ditulis dalam blog rasmi Tun Dr Mahathir - chedet semalam dan hari ini telah disekat kerana mungkin terlalu lantang dan bercakap benar mengenai apa yang berlaku kepada pesawat Malaysia Airlines yang hilang - MH370]
MH 370
1. Saya berasa kecewa apabila pekerja MAS dikepung di Beijing oleh ahli keluarga penumpang MH370 yang hilang. Saya juga terkilan kerana mereka menyalahkan pihak yang salah. Kehilangan pesawat ini adalah disebabkan oleh pembuat pesawat Boeing itu sendiri.
2. Mengapakah Boeing mereka pesawat yang begitu lemah dan mudah dilumpuhkan? Dalam keadaan yang sepatutnya, kru pesawat termasuk juruterbang, pembantu juruterbang boleh berhubung dengan KLIA. Walaupun ada kemungkinan juruterbang tidak mahu menghubungi KLIA, tetapi pembantu juruterbang sudah tentu sekali ada keazaman untuk memaklumkan stesyen operasi di darat sekiranya pesawat tidak terbang mengikuti jalan udara yang sepatutnya.
3. Jika sekiranya penumpang tidak perasan apa-apa yang di luar kebiasaan sekali pun, sudah tentu kru kabin, dan pembantu juruterbang dapat mengesannya. Mereka semua amat terlatih untuk berhadapan dengan kes-kes kecemasan.. jika tidak serta merta sekalipun.. setidak-tidaknya kemudian.
4. Tetapi apa yang berlaku, nampaknya tiada sesiapa pun di dalam kabin yang mencuba (maklumkan keanehan/keganjilan yang berlaku). Andainya juruterbang yang dengan sengaja mematikan system keselamatan, sudah tentu ia memerlukan sedikit masa dan usaha. Pembantu juruterbang pula sudah pasti perasan kelakuan aneh juruterbang dan setidak-tidaknya berbuat sesuatu untuk menghalang. Adakah pembantu juruterbang telah turut ‘dilumpuhkan’ (oleh siapa?), Adakah kesemua kru pesawat juga telah ‘dilumpuhkan’ (oleh siapa juga)?
5. Kesemua pesawat penumpang sepatutnya boleh dikesan, walaupun menggunakan teknologi biasa seperti telefon bimbit. Saya boleh lakukannya melalui telefon. Jika ia mendarat, saya boleh lihat status pendaratannya. Saya juga boleh memperoleh maklumat mengenai mana-mana pesawat di mana jua – siapa pembuatnya, model apa, kepunyaan siapa.. ke mana dan dari mana ia terbang dan destinasinya.
6. Saya yakin dan percaya terdapat peralatan di dalam pesawat yang membolehkan ia dikesan – mungkin GPS.
7. Peralatan kamera canggih yang terpasang pada satelit-risikan (di angkasa) yang dikendali oleh beberapa buah kuasa besar dunia sebenarnya mampu mengambil gambar manusia (di atas muka bumi) dan sekaligus mengenalpasti identity manusia terbabit. Sudah semestinya kamera seperti ini lebih daripada mampu untuk mengesan objek sebesar 63 meter (pesawat Boeing)
8. Kali ini, pesawat MH370 telah hilang secara mutlak. Saya jangkakan di dalam telefon bimbit semua orang, ia juga telah hilang. Peralatan keselamatan di atas pesawat telah dimatikan. Malah, sistem keselamatan lapisan kedua dan ketiga (back-up) juga telah dilumpuhkan.
9. Pesawat MH370 ini dibina oleh Boeing. Oleh itu, Boeing patut menjelaskan bagaimanakah segala sistem keselamatan dan pengesan pesawat canggih ini boleh dimatikan, dalam erti kata lain.. gagal. Ini menjurus kepada rumusan samada teknologi Boeing sangat teruk, atau ia tidak selamat. Saya tidak akan terbang menaiki pesawat Boeing , sekiranya Boeing tidak mampu menjelaskan isu terbabit.
10. Sistem penerbangan kawalan jauh (drone) sekarang amat maju dan berkuasa. Apakah benar Boeing telah memasang sistem kawalan jauh ke atas pesawatnya bagi mengelak aktiviti rampasan dan keganasan? Jika benar.. maka kenapa ia tidak dikawal bagi membolehkan MH370 mendarat dengan selamat? Adakah tidak mustahil bagi pihak ke-tiga (selain Boeing dan MAS) mengambilalih kapal terbang dan mengawalnya dari jauh?
11. Apabila pesawat terhempas.. biarpun di atas tanah, mahupun di laut.. sudah pati ada bangkai pesawat ataupun tompokan minya. Sehingga tarikh ini, tiada satu pun yang menjadi bukti terhempasnya pesawat. Persoalannya, bolehkah pesawat terhempas/tenggelam dengan begitu sempurna sehinga tiada kesan apa sekali pun?
12. Bolehkah kita percaya pesawat ini (MH370) jatuh dengan begitu tenang sekali di dalam lautan ganas (Laut Hindi) dan tenggelam dengan begitu mudah ke dalam lautan? (tanpa meninggalkan sebarang petunjuk)
13. Sudah menjadi amalan kebiasaan, apabila pesawat terhempas, sepasukan pakar akan tiba ke lokasi dengan segera untuk mencari punca terhempasnya peawat. Boeing dan pihak berkuasa SEPATUTNYA berusaha mencari kapal terbang tersebut. TETAPI Boeing langsung tidak menunjukkan minat mencari, dan sebenarnya seperti langsung tidak menolong proses pencarian.
14. Syarikat penerbangan nasional MAS telah mengendalikan pelbagai pesawat dan ada rekod yang cemerlang. Juruterbang MAS juga amat terlatih. Jika sekiranya juruterbang ingin membunuh diri sekalipun, sudah tentu pembantu juruterbang dan kru kabin tidak akan membenarkannya berbuat demikian (demi keselamatan penumpang). Tetapi kali ini, ada kemungkinan kesemua kru penerbangan sudah ‘dilumpuhkan’ sama sekali (melalui cara yang tidak kita ketahui)
15. Boeing perlu menjawab kesemua persoalan ini. Boeing mesti membuktikan kesemua kemungkinan mengapa sistem komunikasi boleh dimatikan. Boeing patut menanggung tanggungjawab kerana membina sebuah pesawat yang boleh tiba-tiba hilang begitu sahaja secara total di tengah-tengah udara.
16. MAS tidak bersalah. MAS terlah menerbangkan pesawat untuk menjalankan tugas. Tetapi pesawat Boeing tersebut telah bekelakuan luar dari kebiasaan. SIapa yang harus bertanggungjawab? Sudah tentu bukan MAS, tapi pastinya pembuat kapal terbang tersebut.. iaitu Boeing Aircraft Corporation
[Tun Mahathir bercakap benar, sesuatu yang kita memang fikirkan selama ini. Kami bersama Tun Mahathir!]
— feeling great.
Last edited by Truth.8 on 26-4-2014 01:16 PM
by T.8
Today I read write up by our beloved ex PM. Good write up. I always pray that God bless Mahathir and may he live another 100 yrs...Amen
Lu ingat Firaun Mahathir itu tuhan kah? Tua nyanyuk itu boleh cakap apa pun. Orang bodoh macam kau je yg akan menpercayainya.
Sekarang, kamu dah hantar nama dgn alamat kpd Chinese Embassy ke belum? Banyak cakap pula. |
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Sephiroth posted on 27-4-2014 11:01 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
by T.8
dont be parrot ok..just because lot peoples call him firaun ...he nice men....he develop the country...whether he makan rasuah or not...i dont bother because i hve prosper because of his ruling....many peoples benefits...
if you not happy, u can get lose and stay in the most corrupted country in india..
Truth.8 posted on 27-4-2014 02:58 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
dont be parrot ok..just because lot peoples call him firaun ...he nice men....he develop the ...
He is a parasite and ONLY parasites like you could benefit from him. FYI - he didn't build this country. NO LEADER IN THE WORLD BUILDS ANY COUNTRY. It is the People - from the lowly farmers to the mighty military men and women who build this country (and any other country in the World). Only arrogant people like him and you could go around claiming credits for the People's achievements. ![](static/image/smiley/default/curse.gif)
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Sephiroth posted on 28-4-2014 09:10 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
He is a parasite and ONLY parasites like you could benefit from him. FYI - he didn't build this co ...
the parasite is u....
Mahathir brought malaysia to international level ......
malaysia is not that bad compare to indonesia and etc because of high corruption...
peoples like u are lazy who not taking advantage from the present development ...
u only know to bark but u think u are lion...
like i said,,,if u not happy, please pack ur things and go to india
Truth.8 posted on 28-4-2014 09:25 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
the parasite is u....
Mahathir brought malaysia to international level ......
International level my a$$. ![](static/image/smiley/default/curse.gif)
Do you even know Malaysian history? BODOH.
Do you know how many things Malaysia was involved in before Mahathir's time?
Malaysians were peace-keepers in war-torn countries like Congo in 1960s and early 1970s (when Mahathir was still Education Minister). And in those days, we didn't have high-tech gears (and still get our a$$ shot at) like today. We had uniform, a bolt rifle and couple of basic tools. Today, Malaysian military cannot even stop militians coming from Philiphines and Sulu using speedboats. ![](static/image/smiley/default/icon_rolleyes.gif)
An Indian (acting) prime minister was elected in Malaysia BEFORE Mahathir. His name was Tun Sambanthan Thevar and at his time, MIC was a party in EQUAL status of UMNO and not some coalation party as it is today. EQUAL. Then Mahathir came along and today, MIC is just a "Coolie party" for BN. Whenever BN glare at someone, MIC barks like a good dog. No wonder Indians rejected MIC since 2006.
Also, do you see Tun Sambanthan's name equal to any of the prime ministers? No, even so he was one of the person (standing next to Tunku) and sign the declaration of Independance with the British in 1957. Today, BN are so scared of the idea that a non-Malays will become powerful enough to become Prime Minister and take over the country. WOI MELAYU - IF we want to take over Malaysia, we could have launched a de-coup-d'etat in 1960s when Tun Sambanthan was the (acting) Prime Minister lah.
He also did many good things for Tamil plantation workers, including pushing for education for them. It can even be said that I'm here today as an educated person because of him. What did BN's lapdog, Samy Velu did when he was sitting in the President's seat for 30 years? Nothing - all he did was lick Mahathir's hands and bark at anyone within Indian committee who could whispher about changes. What happened to him today? RAN TO INDIA because he knows he is not safe in Malaysia.
And people like you idolize Mahathir with nonsense that he did anything other than fill up his own pockets with People's money. He has a lot to answer for in his after life. ![](static/image/smiley/default/mad0216.gif)
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